This conference ICMSME-2022 will pave way to understand the latest
technological and innovative advancements especially in the fields of
manufacturing, design and materials engineering. The conference will develop
solutions to physical problems, questions how things work, make things work
better, and create ideas for doing things in new and different ways in the
manufacturing, design and materials engineering. The conference focuses on the
frontier themes of recent advances in manufacturing, design and materials
engineering, as applied to multiple disciplines of engineering. Researchers,
Academicians, Industrialist and Students will be benefitted with the latest trends
and developments in design, manufacturing and materials engineering applied to
various disciplines of engineering. The objective of the conference is to have the
orientation of research and practice of professionals towards attaining global
supremacy in manufacturing, design and materials engineering. Also this
conference aims in understanding the recent trends in manufacturing, design and
materials engineering including optimization and innovation. This conference
ICMSME-2022 also aims in improving Research culture in the minds of faculty in
exploring the knowledge base, establishing better insights and maintaining
dynamism in the teaching - learning process.